How Did You Learn You Had Cirrhosis
The symptoms of cirrhosis of the liver tin vary greatly from patient to patient. What were your symptoms at the onset of your illness? Submit Your Annotate
Comment from: Mother of two, 35-44 Female (Patient) Published: Nov 04
My symptoms of liver cirrhosis were weight loss, sleeping a lot, jaundice, hair loss in the head and body, shaky easily, general weakness in legs, change in beliefs, spidery veins on neck, and cessation of catamenia. One twelvemonth afterward diagnosis I accept ascites and diabetes.
Comment from: Mz Luv, 55-64 Female person (Patient) Published: Oct 18
I had hepatitis C for 33 years with hepatic encephalopathy. I took Harvoni from Republic of india. But afterwards experience of sexual abuse I vowed to never come across a doctor once more. I never had lab work after Harvoni. Now, 5 years later, I am having debilitating symptoms. I lost appetite for everything simply milk. I am nauseous most of the time. I have extreme exhaustion similar I am drugged but I don't do drugs. Chronic constipation fills my brain with toxins. I can't think, it is hard to talk. Hip joints throb. I suspect cirrhosis. Feel like im dying.
Annotate from: Charlie, 45-54 Male person (Patient) Published: July 26
My cirrhosis symptom was internal bleeding.
Comment from: Joe B Dirt, 35-44 Male (Patient) Published: June 30
I'1000 42. I was 39-40 when I 1st found I had cirrhosis. I was already in stage 3, it began at least 12 plus years ago, and I have hepatitis C. I've got other problems (gallstones, breadbasket indigestion, bowel problems) with some similar symptoms. I have fatty liver and it's genetic. I'yard large but my liver/spleen both are enlarged, retain fluid and I swell. My right leg/pes swells more than. But both feet are discolored, with cellulitis that itches and burns, and rash. My veins pop and spider web is out also. At 37, my kidneys and liver nearly failed, before I even knew I had it. Scary stuff!
Comment from: jennied, 45-54 Female (Patient) Published: June 07
I was a heavy drinker for quite a few years until seven years ago, I was so ill in infirmary they said I will die if I beverage again and so I quit and had none since. I have been well until 4 months ago when I was diagnosed with primary biliary cirrhosis (PBC) liver disease, so I am taking medicines etc. I have pain in my back near the liver and in the forepart, bad swelling in my feet and legs, etc., all the usual things. Fibrosis browse showed stage 1 Liver cirrhosis, at present going for CT browse and just hoping it will notwithstanding show early cirrhosis. I just get annoyed when they say no more drinking, as it is 7 years now I've been dry out.
Comment from: Jatl1, 75 or over Female person (Patient) Published: Oct twenty
I feel cold, and have impaired residuum and fear of falling considering of liver cirrhosis. I accept congestion and no ambition, and sharp pains on the lower right side.
Comment from: Stank, 65-74 Female (Patient) Published: Baronial 31
I accept been diagnosed with cirrhosis of the liver final calendar month and I take been alcohol costless for 2 years. When the doc told me that, I was told to wait till October to have someone speak to me face up to face up. I really just want and demand a second opinion. I am kind of not believing my md right now, because why would she leave me hanging with such news.
Comment from: Faith, 65-74 Female person (Patient) Published: August 31
I am 65 years old and basically sailing on the same ship as y'all with nowhere to get and nowhere to turn. I just recently did a biopsy to find out I have stage iv cirrhosis of the liver. I have been drinking over the years but I have stopped for ii years, only for me to detect this out and left with no direction, just told to come in October to talk face to face. I do not know what to eat or exercise, flow, but I have been relying on google to get through.
Annotate from: Just me, 55-64 Male (Caregiver) Published: June 04
I had stage 3 liver cirrhosis ii years ago. I am really skinny compared to normal and just noticed I am urinating blood and don't know what to exercise. I have no stomach, hand or ankle swelling, and non sure if that is normal. I haven't seen a physician in two years. I have confusion and memory bug. I am 62 and sometimes I hear things.
Comment from: Cece, 55-64 Female (Patient) Published: May 26
I am 61 and was diagnosed with nonalcoholic liver cirrhosis at 37. I got information technology from hepatitis C. I take had liver resection for a tumor and was on hospice from 2010 to 2015. Withal here. I drank from 2010 till 2020. I am on blood force per unit area (BP) medicines but. I have muscle spasms, nausea, itching, irregular bowel movements and insomnia. I smoke marijuana. I refused opiates again as I had 58 days of withdrawal later on hospice. Thank goodness for the death by dignity laws in Colorado.

Hepatitis C, Hep B, Hep A: Symptoms, Causes, Treatment See SlideshowComment from: TiffanyH, 35-44 Female person (Patient) Published: April 26
I was having pain in my liver from liver cirrhosis, and my stomach started to go bigger and bigger. I was always tired, it was like all my energy was just sucked out of me. I as well had hepatitis C and I didn't go get help for it because I was on drugs really bad. I got make clean and I haven't used drugs since March 23, 2005.
Annotate from: Cindy, 45-54 Female (Patient) Published: Apr sixteen
I gained 80 lb., mainly fluid. I have fatigue, can't eat, nausea, no energy and stay and then sleepy and tired. My legs swell, ankles swell, hurts in spine and I have severe itching. Liver cirrhosis is a nightmare, mine is from hepatitis C.
Comment from: Lozy3, 35-44 Female (Patient) Published: Apr 07
I've just had an examination. I have edema, extreme fatigue and itching from liver cirrhosis. My doctor said he could feel my liver. I wonder if anyone got a liver transplant. I take a picayune daughter, I can't go out her.
Annotate from: Dumb ass , 35-44 Female person (Patient) Published: April 07
I've had liver cirrhosis symptoms of sickness, diarrhea, so constipation, astringent fatigue, headache and pain in stomach. The doctor misdiagnosed every bit irritable bowel syndrome. Then I saw another, he said he could feel my liver and that it is damaged. I am hoping it is not what he thinks. I accept a young girl, I experience so stupid considering I didn't go for blood a year ago when it started, and now it may accept progressed.
Comment from: Mellimac, 35-44 Female (Patient) Published: March 29
I have a genetic liver disorder called alpha-1 antitrypsin deficiency. My twin had a liver transplant at 12. I've remained good for you just now take liver cirrhosis. A few weeks ago I experienced bloating, bad abdominal pain, fatigue and high blood pressure level. I had a CT scan that shows cirrhosis just no other cause for the hurting and bloating. I am being referred to a liver clinic.
Annotate from: Sk, 65-74 Female (Patient) Published: September 17
I just constitute out I accept cirrhosis of the liver, I'chiliad sure from booze. I don't know how to discover the right doctor to see if they could help. My stomach is extremely big, and I have swelling ankles, nausea and much more. I also have bad COPD. The doctor I saw told me naught to do, non even gave me a diuretic. I don't know what to do. I tin barely walk due to a cleaved back along with 3 herniated discs. I am not able to swallow right. Also if no ruby meat and no processed meat, what do I eat! Wish all of you the best. Sad deal.
Comment from: ROBBSTER1969 , 45-54 Male (Patient) Published: September 09
About 20 years into hepatitis C I began to feel slightly fatigued. And so edema prepare in and ascites as well from liver cirrhosis. One year later the 1st paracentesis I had my 2nd. Then within a month it was weekly draining of 15L or more. I take extreme itching in my legs, cellulitis, etc. Now I'chiliad told information technology is liver transplant or death. I just hope I get a liver in fourth dimension.
Comment from: Carole , 55-64 Female (Patient) Published: July 09
My commencement indications of beingness unwell with liver cirrhosis were nausea, vomiting and severe fatigue and tiredness.
Comment from: Bobby , 35-44 Male (Patient) Published: June 25
When I was young and dumb I was an adrenaline junky for way likewise long and could have out-drunk anyone from high school, till my daughter was born when I quit. I have had many medical and pain issues. Five years ago I was diagnosed with hepatitis C and cirrhosis of the liver in terminate stages but didn't think it was a problem, similar my other problems. Now I have tummy pain, gas, bloating, constipation, diarrhea, side and back hurting and leg pain, with no sleep and realized it's my liver, after research. Might have to come across a md soon.
Annotate from: Marker , 35-44 Female (Caregiver) Published: June 10
I am 44 years former and have had cirrhosis of the liver since the age of 28. I am starting to have really bad pains in my breadbasket where my liver is. It feels heavy and bruised, I get stabbing pains at times, and information technology feels similar my kidneys are hurting too, and right shoulder. I was wondering if anyone else has the same problems and if they accept been told how long they have left to live. I accept likewise been sober 4 years and got misdiagnosed with PSC (master sclerosing cholangitis) which I was first told first.

Long-term heavy alcohol consumption tin cause: See RespondComment from: Toby.ii, 55-64 Male (Patient) Published: Apr 14
I didn't have whatsoever symptoms of liver cirrhosis, when I was diagnosed in 1984. Then I was told it had progressed 5.5 years agone to stage 4. Recently I have been having bad pains. I'm taking opioids because of my injuries and the pills don't actually help now. I have started vomiting, and now there is claret in it. I have a hard time sleeping and when I am able to I wake up if I plow on my right side. Now I'k wondering how much longer until I am not able to get out of bed or care for myself.
Annotate from: DaveT, 45-54 Male (Patient) Published: Apr 07
I was released from the hospital to die from cirrhosis 3 years ago in September. I had intense neuropathy, couldn't walk, ascites, rapid weight loss, airsickness, and no sleep. But I fought difficult. Take your medicines! Gabapentin helps with pain, with strict diet. No processed anything, especially saccharide! No alcohol ever again! Propranolol and spironolactone to terminate water retention and varices from growing. Remove ammonia from encephalon with Constulose, and itching, jaundice with Questran. I now am hurting complimentary with normal bloodwork and minimal medicines.
Comment from: Lin mac, 55-64 (Patient) Published: March 31
I have had bleeding from the bowel and diagnosed with varices caused by liver cirrhosis. I have regular blood transfusion. My head is floating, walking is a problem, and I have a sore chest. I don't know what to do with the current state of affairs.
Comment from: Enoc D, 35-44 Male (Patient) Published: Feb 19
I was diagnosed with liver cirrhosis two weeks ago. I gave up drinking, and am eating a lot better. I take very depression sodium, really well-nigh none. I have swelling of the legs, and sometimes I experience bloated. I don't get fevers or chills but notwithstanding I know I'1000 pretty bad. I have jaundiced eyes, and slightly jaundiced skin, but it's just been two weeks of this boxing. I know I can beat this and assist myself. For everybody out there, if you have an alcoholic liver disease please end drinking and seek aid because dying is not an selection, neither is giving in.
Comment from: jeff, 55-64 Male (Patient) Published: February 12
I can't consume, have very dark stool, and tum bloating. I am feeling very sick, tired and weak because of my liver cirrhosis.
Comment from: Marie, 55-64 Female (Patient) Published: Feb 11
I had swollen tummy, could not eat, my bowels were terrible, and I had fatigue with liver cirrhosis. I began an intense cleanse, prune juice, lemons, and lots water. Two weeks after, my AST and ALT were cutting downwards to one-half. Third week, bowels are dark once again, swelling going downward. Yet running tests, to run into how far the damage is. Still there is hope.
Comment from: BiggDawg, 55-64 Male (Patient) Published: January 22
I have doctors that are treating me for liver cirrhosis already. I'm on a low sodium diet. I'm sure the hepatitis is cured considering I'k going on the transplant listing. I take v unlike medicines twice a day and have my stomach tuckered at least twice a calendar month; between 20 and 30 lb. of fluid each time. Co-ordinate to my doctors I'k doing better but I don't really think so. It started with a ruptured hernia and that's when I found out about the hepatitis and cirrhosis. I quit drinking immediately. I'chiliad surprised I'm even so live.
Annotate from: Debby65, 45-54 Male (Patient) Published: Jan 07
I complained to my gastrointestinal md of mid-chest pain and he said I was due for an endoscopy in a few months because of GERD history, merely requested a chest ten ray and stress test before he would do it. Both came back normal so he did the endoscopy and discovered varices and said I have liver cirrhosis. I had fatty liver in the by but contempo iii calendar month blood piece of work was normal so I was shocked by the diagnosis. Even though I accept been a heavy beer drinker for years, I stopped drinking immediately, and have not had a follow up appointment.
Comment from: Iron Girl, 45-54 Female (Patient) Published: December eleven
I take hemochromatosis, and I have also recently been diagnosed with cirrhosis. I have so many issues that I don't know which illness they belong to. Migraines, stomach hurting, pain and swelling in my right lower rib expanse, nausea and at times feeling of body of water sickness, pain in my bones and joints. Some days I experience like I am dying.
Comment from: Saddened, 55-64 Male (Caregiver) Published: November xiv
My hubby was diagnosed 5 years ago with decompensated cirrhosis, ascites, jaundice, everything. He has remained stable, but isn't the same man, walks different, can't do simple instructions, stays in bed, wont shower, and hasn't brushed teeth in months.
Comment from: Shelly, 55-64 Female (Patient) Published: November 14
I have phase 4 nonalcoholic liver cirrhosis. I have been experiencing more and more than symptoms. Bowel movements are always different. I have swelling and liver pain. I have been having actually bad headaches, nosebleeds, and neck hurting, wonder if anyone else has experienced this.
Comment from: Only sister, 55-64 Female (Caregiver) Published: November xiv
My brother has had fatty liver for over 12 years now. The first 11 years, I would ask, 'how are yous, how is the liver?' He would say he was fine. The concluding twelvemonth and a one-half have been a nightmare and his cirrhosis is getting worse. The affair I was non prepared for was the ammonia levels from the fluid messing upwardly his mind. He is withal in denial that he is dying. I am a walking bundle of nerves.
Comment from: zelda d, 35-44 Female person (Patient) Published: Nov 08
I have chronic hepatitis C. I'one thousand in severe hurting in my right side, and my belly is swollen because of liver cirrhosis. I feel very weak with fatigue. I have got yellow eyes, my stomach is very hard, and I take diarrhea.
Comment from: Zelda, 35-44 Female (Patient) Published: November 07
I have chronic hepatitis C and am having severe hurting on my right side. I am then swollen on my correct side, very dizzy, drawn and weak from liver cirrhosis.
Comment from: 26 year old, 25-34 Male person (Patient) Published: October 24
At 22 years old, I had been drinking heavily for most 4 years. I experienced vomiting, jaundice, confusion and of course withdrawals from alcohol. One night, I vomited 2 toilet bowls of blood and needed two blood transfusions. Luckily my female parent was there to phone call an ambulance and become me admitted to the infirmary or else I probably would have died. It's been iv years, almost 5, since I've been sober and although I have cirrhosis, my claret work and liver function are back to normal. There's promise!
Comment from: Andie, 45-54 Female (Patient) Published: October fifteen
I am 46 with liver cirrhosis and been dealing with information technology for over a twelvemonth. Pain, doctor visits, hospital stays; been through it all. Recently I went from almost 135 pounds to 200 from swelling, and spent vi days in infirmary. The primary affair for me is to follow a very strict diet of low sodium, it is magic to lose fluid swelling and experience a lot amend. Drink all the protein shakes you can for muscle loss, at least xx gm. I honey the chocolate Boost, some brands 30 gm but gustatory modality chalky. Boost is like a good shake. Practiced luck.
Comment from: Justine, 35-44 Female (Patient) Published: October 08
I noticed on the morning of July 4th while taking a shower that my belly was sticking out. I went to a festival with my husband and kids, and when we got home my anxiety and calves were huge. I went to the emergency room on the 6th, and they said it is cirrhosis of the liver. They kept me there 9 days and permit me go with a referral to a gastrointestinal specialist, who I merely met 3 days ago three months later. And he told me to go drained every other week, which is now every week. I take been drained over xxx times, information technology fills upwardly the same twenty-four hour period, not in the legs. I am a skeleton with acne.
Comment from: Cirrhosis of The Liv, 35-44 Female (Patient) Published: Baronial fourteen
Enlargement of the liver extends into correct iliac fossa. Liver is inflamed. Fatty (alcohol related) infiltration. Diagnosis is early on cirrhosis and chronic pancreatitis.
Comment from: Lori H, 45-54 (Patient) Published: August 13
My symptoms of liver cirrhosis are severe gas, neck and breast pain, bloating of breadbasket, pain in my lower left back, and hurting in my left leg.
Comment from: PSC sucks, 35-44 Male (Patient) Published: August 13
I only started really being symptomatic of liver cirrhosis after starting to see specialists. I got high fevers mail ERCP. I was on the listing for liver transplant briefly but gallbladder malignancy was discovered. I had it removed a year agone. Fevers more often than not stopped, I take had bleeding varices, have portal hypertension, little energy, muscle wasting, and fluid retention in both legs and abdomen. I can't sleep properly, and am jaundiced at times. I'thou ofttimes chilled, and accept intestinal problems. Life is atrocious. I'one thousand a wreck.
Comment from: Ginger, 55-64 Female (Patient) Published: August 02
I was diagnosed with cirrhosis of the liver in March 2019. I was told in 2010 that my liver was moderately fatty; my and so-doc wasn't concerned. I was taking the maximum dosage of acetaminophen for arthritis. I don't drink, merely I am obese and somewhat sedentary. Afterwards a bad fall in July 2018, blood tests showed a spike in ane liver enzyme and a drop in platelets. I was referred to a hematologist and a liver specialist. Only symptom was severe itching, at present gone afterwards adjusting diet, exercise, and sleep habits. Current weight loss 45 lb.
Annotate from: Wendy North, 55-64 Female (Patient) Published: July 30
I have been diagnosed with cirrhosis of the liver and my symptoms are swollen belly, legs and feet. I bruise easily and bleed out of my rima oris, merely in my sleep! I wonder how bad I am and if it can be reversed.
Comment from: Sharon, 55-64 (Patient) Published: July 02
My symptoms of cirrhosis of the liver are hurting, airsickness, constipation, hemorrhoid, and my stomach looks like I'chiliad 6 months significant. Forth with constipation, I am never hungry and accept lower back pain. I am wasting away except for my breadbasket.
Comment from: jjackie, 65-74 Female person (Caregiver) Published: July 02
My married man is diagnosed with liver cancer, and in the bile duct. He's so tired and in so much pain. He starts chemotherapy in 2 days (diagnosed 3 weeks). Did the doctors forget to tell me he's dying! Based on him sleeping all day, not eating, fluid in his belly and the giving up... No one told me; I need to exist talked to.
Comment from: Stupid beer drinker, 55-64 Female (Patient) Published: June 11
I went through two ane/two years of beingness stalked in 1987. That acquired paranoia and in order to go along my children safe, I would be upwards all nighttime patrolling. The man had entered my abode before, and I was terrified. In guild to stay awake I drank beer. I knew I could go to sleep afterwards four am thanks to the cop who told me that was when he started work. I finally took my kids out of that state, but the beer drinking didn't stop. In 2006 I was told I had cirrhosis, 1 year to live without transplant. Information technology is 13 years later now with the same liver. Yea!
Comment from: mr mike, 45-54 Male (Patient) Published: September 11
I have F4 cirrhosis of the liver, a large swelled up spot from ribs downwards to the belly button, severe stomach pain, and am sensitive to foods and alcohol. I am constipated one minute so take diarrhea. I have feet swelling and back hurting, feel like I'chiliad doomed; does it become better! I too have hepatitis C. I am supposed to get-go medicine this calendar week to help or end this disease, which I believe I take had for thirty years.
Comment from: 7faced, 35-44 Male person (Patient) Published: September xi
I am experiencing farthermost fatigue from liver cirrhosis, and muscle waste to where I wait like a child. I have ascites, mental grogginess due to hepatitis, jaundice of the eyes and mankind. I am an insomniac zombie living on the thin line of life and death. I tin can't handle information technology any longer.
Annotate from: Lin, 55-64 Female (Patient) Published: August xiii
I have several symptoms of liver cirrhosis: pare showing bleeding, blackness spots, basic injure, swelling in feet and legs, and sores everywhere. I take a lesion on the liver.
Comment from: Daphne , 65-74 Female (Patient) Published: August 02
Ascites and tum bloating are my symptoms of cirrhosis of the liver. Information technology is still there even though I've had it drained 4 times.
Comment from: Madcompany, 55-64 (Patient) Published: July sixteen
I used IV drugs when I was 18 due to experiences I had at the start of historic period 3, and I'thousand 57 at present. I accept at present come to learn I have liver cirrhosis, hepatitis C genotype iii. I got my act together, at about 20 years of age, although now I have refused all treatment other than pain relief. I have pain nether my right ribs and shoulder. I quite often lose my residuum, and breadbasket is a lot extended due to poor eating habits.
Comment from: Rocky, 65-74 Male person (Patient) Published: July 12
Seems I have cirrhosis afterwards going through an endoscopy for dilation of a Schatzki's ring. The doctor discovered phase 1 varices which indicates cirrhosis I was told. I have a follow-upwards with the doctor in vi weeks. I was a heavy drinker (wine). I stopped drinking 3 years ago, hope that helps in the prognosis. No jaundice or ascites. I had gastrointestinal upset and constipation for years. I'm 70, and then whatsoever happens, happens.
Annotate from: Denise , 0-2 Male (Caregiver) Published: July 06
He has drunk Vodka for years. The whites of his eyes are xanthous and and so is his confront. Complains of bad stomach pain and his tummy is distended. He too has a lump down below his sternum. Has severe back pain. He is constantly sleeping in bed, hardly e'er gets up but to get to the restroom yet never gets residuum. His doctor said he needed to get to the emergency room about the lump but he won't. He has shortness of jiff and states he can't breathe, but won't go to the hospital.
Comment from: Critter, 55-64 Female (Patient) Published: June fifteen
I drank more than I ate, and lost lots of weight. With cirrhosis my legs, feet and ankles swelled so bad that I could not wear shoes.
Comment from: Kimberly, 45-54 Female (Patient) Published: June 14
I was feeling very brusk of breath and went to the emergency room, concluded up there for a week and they found liver cirrhosis. I was sent to a transplant specialist and began the process of getting on the list. In the meantime my life is completely different. The tired shaky feeling never goes away, the medicines continue me on the toilet all the time, and the diuretics and lactulose go far hard to go out the firm. Also my lack of mental clarity and feeling tired keeps me in bed a lot. I have lost the ability to walk without a pikestaff and am not able to enjoy the things I used to do, like garden, fish and drive myself. I am totally disabled and need a intendance provider but for at present use a walker during the day when my partner is at piece of work.
Comment from: Jane, 65-74 Male (Caregiver) Published: June 14
My hubby was losing weight, having fevers, and periods of weakness; then he would feel better. The medico could find nothing wrong although he was steadily losing weight. Finally he was diagnosed with early phase cirrhosis. He does not drink and never has only was given claret transfusion in the Vietnam War and contracted hepatitis C. He went through treatment years ago. Now this! He is tired a lot, has varicose veins, portal hypertension, and has lost his muscle mass and 35 pounds. He is feeling ok otherwise, I would love it for him if he could gain weight. He has a good ambition and eats a lot only however losing. It is so hard and we are both all the same in shock and very sad.
Comment from: Gracie, 55-64 Male (Patient) Published: June xiv
My male parent is an alcoholic and I've had him living here with me since his autumn iii months ago. I've noticed that he'll become chills, giddy, damp feeling and I'll go purchase him some beers. I'one thousand guilty but I'1000 scared for him. I'yard no doctor but I believe he has cirrhosis. He's been complaining of abdominal pain and discomfort. He had bloated testicles about a month agone. He doesn't want to go see a doctor. He says if it's his time and so he'southward gear up. I'm lamentable, mad, dislocated and not certain if there's something I tin do to help him.
Comment from: Tanya, 35-44 Female (Caregiver) Published: May 11
My 35 twelvemonth erstwhile daughter has been an alcoholic for at least ten years. A year ago she was diagnosed with liver damage, to what extent cirrhosis has progressed, I don't know. She now has a very painful enlarged stomach (she looks 9 months significant) very yellow eyes and skin, and insect bite like marks on her breast and arms. She has lost a lot of weight, her teeth are rotting and her hair has thinned out a lot.
Comment from: Marymac, 55-64 Female (Patient) Published: May 02
Swelling, pain, pancreatitis, and vomiting were my symptoms of cirrhosis of the liver.
Comment from: sugarmagnoliazme, 45-54 Female (Patient) Published: January 29
I am an alcoholic with stage 4 cirrhosis of the liver. I take been sober for nine months and am on a liver transplant list. I felt fine and good and had to blitz to the hospital in August with terrible pain in my tum and diarrhea forth with a fever. My eyes had yellowed and then had my skin. I had not had anything to drink for 3 1/2 months at that time, only as information technology turns out, I had an infection in my intestines (Clostridium difficile) which caused my enzymes to spike. I took 3 courses of vancomycin and it eventually worked. My eyes went back to beingness white and my peel looked good. Now, I am 9 months sober and my eyes have turned vivid yellow again. My levels have gone up once more, especially bilirubin and I am baffled at why this could be. I wonder if information technology is common for levels to fluctuate that much for no reason! I do not take drugs, I do non have hepatitis and I do not take any medication or vitamin supplements other than a breakfast replacement drink (Ensure), which my hepatologist told me was ok. I am getting really scared and I actually hate these yellow eyes.
Comment from: SoBear, 45-54 Female person (Patient) Published: March fourteen
Alcohol had me in chains. I drank vodka every day for twenty years. I was diagnosed vii years ago with alcoholic hepatitis and stage iv liver cirrhosis. I didn't recollect I could go one twenty-four hour period without a drinkable. I am so grateful today that I take stayed sober ever since. My life has meaning, and it is so wonderful to wake up sober. Don't get me incorrect, because some days I become really depressed and I've been hospitalized iv times for hepatic encephalopathy. I have to plan my twenty-four hours effectually the toilet. I'g on Xifaxan, lactulose, and diuretic. I remember only people with this understand how much gas we become. Yea, it bites but I am and so glad I don't have to lie to doctors anymore. I've been on transplant listing 6 years.
Comment from: candy, 65-74 Female person (Caregiver) Published: March 07
Male patient diagnosed one yr ago with cirrhosis of the liver. I am his wife. He was told to stop drinking. He cut the number of drinks in half, equally best I can tell past the amount in the bottle. He is yet progressively going downhill: ascites, swollen legs and anxiety, even with depression sodium and diuretics. He has bouts of irritability and rage before tiffin every day and again late evening earlier he has a potable. In between he sleeps. I wonder if I would be able to tell his doctor to encounter if he could requite him something to brand life bearable for me. If the doctor were to tell him I 'tattled on him', there's no telling what he would practice.
Annotate from: 45-54 Female (Patient) Published: May 11
I was just recently diagnosed with cirrhosis of the liver. My stomach is extremely bloated and I'grand having tummy hurting.
Comment from: Loving wife of Jack, 55-64 Male (Caregiver) Published: November xvi
My husband is 57 and establish out in 2005 that he had alcoholic liver disease and connected to drinkable. He started losing force in his arms around the early part of 2009. During the past four years he had intermittent bouts of jaundice, very dark yellow eyes and skin. His testicles started swelling in April 2009 to the size of a cantaloupe and soon his lower right leg and eventually both legs were swollen very big. I had noticed also, a couple of months before the swelling, his abdomen was getting really large merely I just thought he was eating too much. The doctor ordered a Cat scan, which revealed cirrhosis, and the doctor said my married man only had about x% of his liver left. On June 9, 2009 I had to phone call 911 because he started having seizures and couldn't stand up or walk without having them. He was admitted to ICU and was told that his blood pressure level was terribly depression and ended up getting a blood transfusion. The next twenty-four hours he started having extreme DT's while in ICU, he was there for one calendar week and was able to come home. He went direct to a 30 mean solar day rehab and no longer drinks alcohol. He had washed amazingly well since rehab but but last week (Nov. 6th) he has started having hepatic encephalopathy and has been very confused and very curt attention span, doing and saying very baroque things. I understand this is all part of it and I'yard trying to go him to accept his medication to assist get rid of some of the ammonia in his blood. I NEVER had whatsoever idea that booze damaged so much of your body. It has made a non-drinker out of me and hopefully our 15 year sometime son.
Annotate from: glenda, 45-54 Female person (Patient) Published: October 07
I'm 44 and accept been a heavy drinker since my teens. About a yr ago I began gaining weight in my mid department. I've ever been thin but never blessed with a waist. I just attributed my new belly with mid-age spread and went up a size in pants. This Spring I began having issues with my bowels, cramping, bloating. With all of the new products, and extensive advertising promising to cure such problems, I went the home remedy route... Needless to say, June 26th I couldn't take information technology anymore and went to the doctor whom immediately sent me to the East.R. At that place I experienced the joy of having my abdomen tapped and drained. Luckily I was able to go domicile the next day to continue treatment. I was your typical difficult core girl. Work hard play hard. Thought as long equally I was maintaining my house, family and finances everything was o.k., never knowing my liver was being damaged beyond repair. Correct at present I'one thousand on a restricted table salt/high protein diet. Diuretics daily(one helps maintain potassium) Side by side week they scope my esophagus to my intestines, looking for possible bleeders, that they will band if necessary or start me on a prescription of beta blockers to reduce pressure in those veins. Hopefully I won't have to exercise either. This is my future, something I will forever have to be mindful of if I choose to savor the residue of my life. Did I ever expect to do information technology without a cold beer in my manus? No. Merely, peradventure if I hadn't always done it, that delicious common cold Bud Light wouldn't just exist a memory.
Comment from: pllfngr7, 25-34 Male (Patient) Published: Baronial 27
I am 34 years quondam, and I went to the emergency room about calendar week ago for extreme stomach pain. I had occasionally vomited blood; I believed information technology was an ulcer. I didn't recall anything about the dark color of my stool, except that I oasis't made a solid bowel movement in months, if not a yr. I figured it was all related to my ulcer problem. Boy was I wrong. At the ER, I underwent an ultrasound and three CT scans. I take been a heavy drinker since I was near 16 years old. The CT browse revealed my ulcer, which was no surprise, and then the ER medico asked me to sit down downwards. I did, and he then revealed to me that I have cirrhosis of the liver. He told me in the all-time case, I have 17 to 24 months to live. Since I don't have insurance, this is my fate. My easily are shaking as I type this. Sorry, I just can't believe that I have only been given an expiration date like what'due south on a battery or a gallon of milk. The merely affair I tin can say to this is: If you accept children and they similar to party like I did, please inform them of the fate that might be in shop for them.
Comment from: Em, 45-54 Female (Caregiver) Published: Baronial 27
I am 32 years old and cannot remember a solar day when my mother did not take at least one drinkable. The summer of 2008, she was diagnosed with hepatitis C and cirrhosis of the liver. She experienced rapid weight loss, jaundice, weakness, swelling in her legs, redness of her hands and anxiety, and lethargy. Even after her diagnosis, she continued to potable. She has since stopped drinking; yet, the damage has been done. My days consist of shuffling my mom to and from different doctor appointments to treat the dissimilar ailments that proceed arising from her cirrhosis. Now that sobriety has set in, she can understand the consequences of her deportment. It is a shame that she has come to awareness too lilliputian as well late. My advice is this: Pay attention to your trunk, get regular bank check-ups, and if you doubtable something is wrong with your liver, insist on a claret test. It only takes ane test to see if there is a problem. Early detection and treatment is essential to living a long life.
Comment from: Jeff sin, 35-44 Male (Patient) Published: June 30
Hepatitis B caused my liver cirrhosis, but I'k to the point now, later 5 months of symptoms, that I tin barely go out of bed, unless I have a benzodiazepine to embrace the pain. I don't know what to do. I recall I need a liver transplant. I am looking for any ideas on a doctor or annihilation that's improve than dying.
Annotate from: Lee hy, 55-64 Male (Patient) Published: May 12
My symptoms of liver cirrhosis are hurting on the right side of my stomach and feeling sick.
Annotate from: Aashi, xix-24 Female (Patient) Published: March 17
I accept had hepatitis B 2 years ago. Last week I had alcohol and information technology's been 1 week I've been having stomach pain. Now I've started to have blackness stool. Worried if it indicate liver cirrhosis.
Annotate from: Raja, 55-64 Male (Patient) Published: February 25
I don't drink. Sugar is border level. Initially my foot and then leg and tummy started swelling from liver cirrhosis. I had more than diuretic tablets like Lasilactone and Dytor plus 5. At present my left knee is paining a lot.
Annotate from: Rmaria, 45-54 Female (Patient) Published: February 06
My belly is very swollen and extremely uncomfortable. And I am having hurting where my liver is. Earlier it was making weird gurgling awareness. It hurts quite a bit. I take tertiary stage liver failure with advanced fibrosis. Doctor says no cirrhosis. I have finished 4 weeks of 8 weeks of treatment on Mavyret. This is the first I have had so much pain in my liver and swelling of abdomen.
Comment from: Kim, 65-74 Male (Caregiver) Published: October 28
I have high ferritin levels, 2400, and have noticed my ankles are bloated and and so is my abdomen. I am constantly tired. Wonder if I should get to the physician; worried if I accept cirrhosis.
Comment from: Ms. P, 55-64 Female (Patient) Published: Oct 02
No clue I had hepatitis C when my md told me in January of 1994. And then I become an alcoholic, at times, very severe alcoholic. I oasis't had enough problems to mention until the past yr when I was diagnosed with liver cirrhosis. Today I'm hurting so bad all over I can't fifty-fifty go get blood drawn.
Comment from: Timbo, 45-54 Male (Patient) Published: October 01
I have concluding liver affliction. Found out that I have cirrhosis and my liver is merely functioning 30 percent. I am very depressed at times. I'm but 49 years sometime. My body is really carmine all over, particularly at dark. Hoping for not-painful death.
Comment from: In pain, 25-34 Male (Patient) Published: September 10
I accept fatty liver, alcohol related. I have a bloated abdomen, correct under my left rib, swollen ankles, and feel constipated. I am worried well-nigh cirrhosis.
Comment from: Someday, 35-44 Female (Patient) Published: August 27
Liver cirrhosis can be overwhelming at times. I tin't sleep. I lost significant weight. I lost my ability to walk due to pain on my side. I too have kidney problems.
Comment from: Dolly, 65-74 Male (Caregiver) Published: August 21
My father was diagnosed with decompensated cirrhosis of the liver. The doctors tin't explain why he has it, as he never drank a lot or did drugs. He has ascites and has lost a huge amount of weight. We put him on a nutrition of no carbohydrate, very little salt, and no processed foods. He eats vi small-scale meals a day, including two shakes with protein powder, vitamins, CBD oil, turmeric powder, and milk thistle. Honey with bee pollen and purple jelly are good for the liver. The CBD oil has helped the virtually.
Comment from: Suffering spouse, 65-74 Male person (Caregiver) Published: August 21
My hubby is 73 and has been a drinker since he was 18. His drinking became heavier nigh 9 years ago and he was diagnosed with liver cirrhosis. He was sick for vii months, was drained 1 time a calendar week averaging four liters. He still drinks and now suffers from leakage from his rectum. I am wondering if this is from the cirrhosis.
Annotate from: Twyskie, 35-44 Female person (Caregiver) Published: August 13
My wife just came home from the hospital after beingness diagnosed with liver cirrhosis. I wonder if it is normal to only want to sleep all the time. Im worried about her.
Comment from: Neen, 45-54 Male (Caregiver) Published: July xxx
I took my husband to the hospital 4 weeks ago, he was diagnosed with hypokalemia and sent home the adjacent day. One week later I took him back to the doctor, he did no tests, came in and said he has cirrhosis; I just nigh snapped my neck. He told us he needs an outpatient procedure washed. Nosotros have merely moved and no insurance... he is at present the aforementioned, fluid in belly but it has moved into his legs and feet. I am worried and wondering if I should take him dorsum to the emergency room.
Comment from: Virginia, 55-64 Female person (Patient) Published: July 24
I've noticed my stomach is bloated from liver cirrhosis.
Comment from: Korky, 55-64 Female (Caregiver) Published: July 23
I just had a gastric bypass and was told my liver was shot and I have cirrhosis and need a transplant, but was told I also have a colon bladder fistula that needs to be fixed before I tin become on the transplant listing. I take to be tuckered every 2 weeks and they take out about 10 liters every time. I have been back and forth from the hospital to the rehabilitation center where I am now trying to get strong plenty to have the fistula surgery.
Annotate from: Estee74, 65-74 Male person (Caregiver) Published: July 05
My 66 year old married man refuses to eat and has gone down to 128 from 155. He is in fourth phase cirrhosis of the liver, he contracted hepatitis C over 20 years agone after a hip surgery. He is on the 12-week hepatitis C plan with no dairy, table salt or sugar. He has no appetite and he refuses to consume. I am looking for recommendations for prescription medicines to stimulate his appetite. He is depressed, frustrated and angry.
Comment from: Tunabean, 35-44 Male (Patient) Published: February fourteen
Right now I have such pain in my joints and muscles and swear my bones hurt (if that's a affair). I tin tolerate no more. I take asked for something to treat the pain from my liver cirrhosis. My electric current doctors run for the hills when I bring this up to them. Nothing has been prescribed and I suffer every day and sometimes tin't stand up to even move. Even my bedsheets hurt my skin. Don't know why they won't help.
Annotate from: Liverish, 55-64 Male (Patient) Published: October 03
I am an ex-intravenous heroin addict. I had hepatitis C for 20 years merely I was not offered handling until I had a 12 week drug therapy for hepatitis C last year that worked actually well. I have cirrhosis of the liver, blazon 2 diabetes, lymphedema and I am overweight, all caused past hepatitis C. Now I am clean of hepatitis C and waiting for a gastric past-pass which volition stop the diabetes and obesity and hopefully give relief from the lymphedema. Don't despair people, you can get treatment.
Comment from: Maggie , 45-54 Female person (Patient) Published: September 12
My symptom of liver cirrhosis was fluid buildup.
Comment from: Hippy, 55-64 Male (Patient) Published: July 06
I have alcoholic cirrhosis. I checked my fingers and optics for yellow color daily. I became constipated for 10 days before I was able see a doc. My eyes became yellow equally blood was drawn for testing. They told me it was end stage cirrhosis and sent me to a transplant hospital. I stayed a week and was seen past ane of the top liver specialists in this hemisphere. No run a risk of transplant and I was told I had less than xiv days to survive. No drinking, depression protein and sodium diet, and 14 years subsequently I live. No beef!
Comment from: MANJULA, 45-54 Female (Caregiver) Published: June 26
My mother is suffering from knee pain, leg muscle pain, airsickness, constipation and hair loss, I think from liver cirrhosis.
Comment from: Dances, 25-34 Male (Patient) Published: May 25
I'm 31 years sometime, and I have an date with a gastroenterologist on Tuesday. I already know he is going to tell me I have cirrhosis. Information technology's and then frustrating because I've been to two different doctors in the past 14 months most this and both of them told me I was perfectly salubrious. I even had blood work washed and everything came back normal! I don't know why, but I tin just experience that I have it. I have cipher pain only many symptoms. These include hemorrhoids, nose bleeds and more recently light sensitivity. On Friday I was having a few beers and I spit upwards some streaks of claret. I already know what that is, esophageal varices. I don't even demand to exist told. The nearest appointment I could go was ii weeks out. So now I'k just waiting and preparing to fight this with everything I have. I feel physically unlike later what happened on Friday. I am constantly tired, my body feels different. I know I accept information technology merely I'g hoping I'g incorrect. My available party is in half-dozen weeks and I accept people flying in from all over the earth for information technology. I hope they don't mind that's I will be teetotal.
Comment from: jackie, 55-64 Female person (Caregiver) Published: May 01
My hubby had stage 4 liver affliction and just well-nigh died a couple times. He has got a swollen stomach, is losing his mental power and can barely walk. He has never turned xanthous I don't know why. He was given a certificate of incapacity.
Comment from: Russell, 25-34 (Patient) Published: April 04
Nine months ago I went to the md and was told my liver couldn't handle the amount of beer I was drinking. I had a gastrointestinal bleed almost three weeks ago and went to the hospital. They said information technology was probably a tummy tear for throwing my guts upwards the dark before. I went to the full general physician a week later on and he said I needed to accept my liver checked, and fat liver was very likely. I got the exam back and was told I take severe fat liver and a swollen spleen added to the possibility of cirrhosis. I am terrified, I have quit drinking, and I am exercising and dieting. I have hurting in my right side and tum aches just none of the other symptoms. I feel great like I could climb Everest, no yellowing, no fatigue, ambition is ok, and I feel nifty. I have a history of gout which could put actress stress on my kidneys which likewise stresses out my liver. I really promise I tin reverse this and it is not cirrhosis, if it is I might only crawl into a corner and die.
Comment from: Sladep, 55-64 Male (Caregiver) Published: August sixteen
My husband was diagnosed with follicular lymphoma 2 years ago. He had chemotherapy for almost a year. We traveled to Tampa, Florida in March so he could become his hernia stock-still. While they were doing surgery they discovered he has cirrhosis of liver, 20% of his liver is working. He had a drain put in abdomen 6 months agone considering of fluid buildup. They said it was from cancer. Nosotros come to find out it was from the liver. Recently they took the drain out because of infection in the fluid. They don't desire to put it back in. Now nosotros get to the hospital once a week to become it drained. Now his legs and feet take swollen so badly. All they do is requite Lasix and water pills. He needs the drain dorsum in. He should be able to get information technology in. He knows the problem he could have in time to come. He wants quality of life. The cirrhosis is non from drinking or drugs, or some disease, I think information technology was acquired by chemotherapy.
Comment from: D Lucas, 45-54 Male (Patient) Published: September 06
I had haemorrhage in my stomach and varices because of cirrhosis of liver. I had shunt TIPS (transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic shunt) procedure done in February of 2015, and notwithstanding having problems. I accept coronary artery disease plus COPD. I all the same have issues.
Comment from: 45-54 Male (Caregiver) Published: April 26
My beau is 47 years quondam. He never drank and was tested negative for hepatitis, autoimmune disease. His liver enzymes are fine as well equally the rest of the numbers of the liver. Doctors are baffled equally to the origin of the cirrhotic liver. He has portal hypertension and had esophageal varices banded. He had tarry stools for a couple of days furthering the determination to go to the emergency room. He wasn't jaundiced yet. Doctors said people can survive xx years with a cirrhotic liver. He's just scared and feels like his clock is ticking. I'k so sorry.
Annotate from: Rose, 55-64 Male (Caregiver) Published: November 02
Almost within 2 weeks my husband had lost a large amount of weight, his caput looked very skeletal and his shoulder bones stuck out. My husband had not had a drink for 28 years and was not a needle user or sexually agile. But 5 years ago he was diagnose with Hep C and the doctor made his diagnoses sound as if it was a common cold and did non provide much information, other than don't beverage alcohol, stay away from red meat and that was it. So we thought it was something that went abroad. Shortly subsequently that my husband had been sick from his hernia then hospitalized for getting C-DIF, supposedly beingness overly medicated by the doctor, and for many years my husband took Tylenol and Bayer Aspirin for chronic headaches. Now my hubby has been diagnosed with cirrhosis of the liver due to the physician's lack of data and our lack of knowledge. This could have been prevented with a good doctor and of course health insurance which nosotros have none and now no insurance will fifty-fifty consider him. Information technology is a lose, lose situation. I can merely trust in God.
Comment from: eprn, 55-64 Female (Patient) Published: November 02
I had no symptoms other than elevated enzymes. I was told I had fatty liver disease and I causeless it was a beneficial condition since there were no further tests at the fourth dimension. I accept an occasional glass of wine, but I had gained about sixty pounds over about 8 years. When my liver enzymes remained elevated over several years, I was sent for a liver biopsy and given the diagnosis of cirrhosis (non-alcoholic fat liver illness). I'm a nurse, but I had never heard of it. Who knew my obesity could lead to killing my liver?
Comment from: Wondering, 55-64 Female person (Caregiver) Published: May fourteen
I wonder what happens when yous get to the indicate where you tin can drink your medicine for liver cirrhosis, and you lot can't keep annihilation down.
Annotate from: Fonda , 55-64 Female (Patient) Published: April 30
I was told 8 years ago I had liver cirrhosis and half-dozen months to alive. My gastrologist has gotten me this far only he besides told me he's done all he could. I'm worried now, I accept no gallbladder and my spleen stays hurting and stays massive. I don't know what tin can be done if the spleen ruptures.
Comment from: Val , 75 or over Male (Caregiver) Published: April 09
It'southward my dad and information technology'southward late stage liver cirrhosis. His tum is so full of fluid it is pushing his bellybutton out. He was sent home with hospice and they didn't bleed it, I don't know why.
Comment from: Corinne719, 55-64 Female (Patient) Published: April 07
To those who, similar myself, don't know 100 percent that they have liver cirrhosis, I have a couple words to say. I take been in liver failure twice with blood transfusions, and at decease's doorstep. That was 20 years agone. I remained booze free for vii years merely take been drinking the past 10 solid years again. If y'all do not have cirrhosis, they told me, it is fatty liver. For 7 years of ii times a twelvemonth testing my liver with a drink to see if it nonetheless hurt, I ever had pain; till it was gone in year seven. If y'all haven't been diagnosed, come across a physician.
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